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How long do you wait for a website to load?

Well, according to statistics, half of us don’t even wait 2 seconds for website content to pop up!

But, why is website load speed so important? What difference does a fraction of a second make?

  1. Website speed is the first impression you ever make

First impressions are vital on the web. Your customers, readers, and website visitors make an instant judgement about you and your business. If your website loads fast, you’ve instantly made a strong first impression. It’s a quick-win for user experience! If it loads fast, your new visitor is immediately happy.

"If it’s fast, it must be professional!"

A slow website, on the other hand, makes us think it’s unsafe, insecure, and untrustworthy. And it’s really difficult to turn around that negative first impression.

  1. We expect speed!

It’s clear that we all expect quick results whether we’re on a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Think about how you use the internet every day. You’re looking for quick answers and immediate results.

When it comes to well-known and authority sites, people are willing to wait a little longer. If you’re Google or Facebook, visitors will tolerate a small delay, because they’re an established name.

Unfortunately, for small businesses and startups, you don’t always have that luxury. It’s best to be as fast as possible right from the start.

  1. Slow websites kills conversions

If slow load speeds are driving people away, then it’s driving your sales away. This isn’t just speculation either. Some of the biggest companies on the planet have tested this out.

Amazon did tests that showed they would lose $1.6 BILLION every year if they slowed down by just one second.

And Amazon are an established, recognisable company. If customers won’t wait just one extra second for Amazon, what chance have the rest of us got?

Extra - Website speed affects your Google Rank

Google have a self-confessed love of speed.

“We’re striving to make the whole web fast”

They’re on a mission to make sure the internet is super speedy, easily accessible, and useful. So far, they’re doing a pretty good job.

There’s a lot of information out there about Google, load speed, and your search ranking. Some of it true, some of it not so much. Here’s what we know for sure from the mouths of Google themselves.

Speed matters. It affects your user experience, it affects your search ranking. It affects your sales and conversions.

Don’t hesitate to message us. We are always ready to help you.

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